Posts Tagged escondido homes for sale


If you need to sell your Escondido area home, but it’s lost value since you bought it, you’re facing a pricing puzzle. But before deciding on a fair price that may be below what you really want, consider the costs of not selling by asking too much.

If your home sits on the market, waiting for a higher offer, you’ve got to figure in the costs of continuing your monthly mortgage payments, utilities, maintenance and insurance.

Compare the asking prices of similar homes to the actual sales prices, often determined more by the lenders than the buyers. If you’re asking more than your home’s current real value, the required appraisal will show that, and the lender won’t approve the buyer’s loan, leaving you back at Square One.

Walk in the buyer’s shoes and do your homework. Tour similar homes listed in your area (we will be glad to assist with this). Compare their price per square foot and see how yours stacks up against the competition in terms of value. This should help you arrive at a realistic and aggressive asking price that will hopefully be your sale price!

The amount of local inventory determines your price, too. The more homes that are on the market For Sale in your area, the more competition there is for yours.

There are several factors that must be considered before establishing a realistic value. Starting with an accurate value (in the current market especially) is as important as what is done for marketing the property, when it comes to a successful house sale.


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A person normally sells his home only once or twice in his lifetime. But this is the most important and tedious of work to deal with the selling of home. As, it is so important to list your home with best of the prices and to the best of the buyer.

First thing that come to mind of people who sell their homes is to contact their local brokers or agents to list their property. With the changing times the tradition of searching and listing homes have also changed and now 75% of the buyers use internet as the medium to search homes.

Few of the basic things that is required when you are selling home, is you have the right exposure of your home to the potential buyers and the right presentation which can develop a keen internet in the buyer´s mind.

FSBO (for sale by owners) is the perfect opportunity to get listed your home in local MLS database and in The MLS is where realtors will find your listing to show their clients and is where consumers look for their new homes worldwide.

What is and Facts about MLS

The MLS is a central registry of properties used by REALTOR(s) to match buyers with homes on the market. MLS is described as a “cooperative marketing system” to ensure maximum exposure of properties for sale. The MLS is very effective. Last year, sales across the MLS listings totaled over $100 billion.

In addition to being distributed in printed catalogues, MLS is also a sophisticated computer database of properties indexed by price, location, and type of home, number of bedrooms, amenities and so forth. Photos of homes may also be available on-line and, over the past year, many real estate boards and associations have added their MLS listings to the Internet through

Another exciting fact is that on an average realtors are responsible for 85% of all home sales and 4 out of 5 home sold are listed on MLS. Over 75% of buyers use while searching for a home.


When you list your home its more than a listing. You get a bunch of benefits, which can make your work selling home easier. Some of the features, which you can get, are:

You don´t have to worry about fees when you are listing with MLS. You will be charged flat fee to list your home and thus providing you maximum exposure.

As MLS has linked with many sites so you get the power of listing on many other websites as well.

The most important aspect of listing at MLS is you get a expert guidance and consultation from real estate professional which indeed can make your work lot easier.

More has been ranked number 1 realtor website for sellers. Also consider that on average a seller not using the MLS on average receives 16% less or $32,000 for a $200,000 home.

Don’t miss out on listing your property on the Internet’s top homebuyer real estate sites.  Remember it´s not what you pay to sell your home but what you Net and the maximum of buyers who know your home is for sale the more likely you get a good price.


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Deciding on an asking price for your Escondido California home is challenging enough these days, but you need specific pricing strategies for particular scenarios, especially if you’re under pressure to move quickly or your home isn’t selling after being on the market for several months.  Here are suggestions for both situations.

If you’re facing a deadline due to job relocation or other reasons, then you need to price competitively, even more competitively than expected in today’s market.  You’ll need to list at significantly less than your competition.  Think 15% less.  That may seem tough to stomach, but it’s better than continuing your monthly loan payments or the hassle of trying to find tenants to rent your home.

If your home has been listed for some time, but not generating interest, you’ll need to lower your price.  Of the three elements that sell a home – price, location, and condition – price is the one you’ll have the most control over.

If home values have declined in your neighborhood, the price you originally listed at a few months ago may now be too high and out of line with comparable listings.  Now would be the time to have your real estate agent prepare a new Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) and reevaluate your pricing strategy.  If you’ve got to sell, and sell now, price it like you mean it.

Feel free to contact me for your real estate questions or needs.  There is absolutely no cost, obligation or pressure.  We’ve earned a reputation over the past 30+ years for honesty and high ethics.  Let us earn your business too!
